Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 - 2023 Constantine Evans <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from dataclasses import dataclass
from glob import glob
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd

from .plate_setup import _WELLNAMES_96, _WELLNAMES_384


def _find_text_or_raise(e: ET.ElementTree | ET.Element, path: str) -> str:
    "Find the text of the element at path and return it, or raise an error."
    x = e.find(path)
    if x is None:
        raise ValueError(f"{path} not found in {x}.")
        t = x.text
        if t is None:
            raise ValueError(f"{path} has no text.")
            return t

def _get_text_or_raise(e: ET.Element) -> str:
    "Get the text of the element or raise an error."
    t = e.text
    if t is None:
        raise ValueError(f"{e} has no text.")
        return t

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True, eq=True) class FilterSet: """Representation of a filter set, potentially including the "quant" parameter used by HACFILT in SCPI protocols.""" ex: int em: int quant: bool = True
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring(cls, string: str | FilterSet | Sequence) -> FilterSet: if isinstance(string, FilterSet): return string # fixme: do validation if not isinstance(string, str): string = ",".join(string) if string.startswith("x"): return cls(int(string[1]), int(string[4])) elif string.startswith("M"): return cls(int(string[4]), int(string[1])) elif string.startswith("m"): return cls(int(string[4]), int(string[1]), string.endswith(",quant")) else: raise ValueError
@property def lowerform(self) -> str: return f"x{self.ex}-m{self.em}" @property def upperform(self) -> str: return f"M{self.em}_X{self.ex}" @property def hacform(self) -> str: return f"m{self.em},x{self.ex}" + (",quant" if self.quant else "")
[docs] def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element: e = ET.Element("CollectionCondition") ET.SubElement(e, "FilterSet", Emission=f"m{self.em}", Excitation=f"x{self.ex}") ET.SubElement(e, "Frames").text = "0" return e
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.lowerform + ("-noquant" if not self.quant else "")
[docs] class FilterDataReading: stage: int step: int cycle: int point: int timestamp: float | None exposure: int filter_set: FilterSet well_fluorescence: npt.NDArray[np.float64] temperatures: npt.NDArray[np.float64] set_temperatures: npt.NDArray[np.float64] | None plate_rows: int = 8 plate_cols: int = 12 def __repr__(self): return ( f"FilterDataReading(stage={self.stage}, cycle={self.cycle}, " f'step={self.step}, point={self.point}, filter_set="{self.filter_set}", ' f"timestamp={self.timestamp}, ...)" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, path: str | PathLike[str], sds_dir: str | PathLike[str] | None ) -> FilterDataReading: p = ET.parse(path).find(".//PlateData") if p is None: raise ValueError(f"File {path} is not a valid filter data file.") return cls(p, sds_dir=sds_dir)
def __init__( self, pde: ET.Element, timestamp: Optional[float] = None, sds_dir: Optional[str | PathLike[str]] = None, set_temperatures: Union[Literal["auto"], None, List[float]] = "auto", ): attribs = { cast(str, k.text).lower(): cast(str, v.text) for k, v in zip( pde.findall("Attribute/key"), pde.findall("Attribute/value"), ) } self.temperatures = np.array( [float(x) for x in attribs["temperature"].split(",")], dtype=np.float64 ) self.stage = int(attribs["stage"]) self.step = int(attribs["step"]) self.cycle = int(attribs["cycle"]) self.point = int(attribs["point"]) self.exposure = int(attribs["exposure"]) self.filter_set = FilterSet.fromstring(attribs["filter_set"]) if set_temperatures == "auto": self.set_temperatures: Optional[np.ndarray] = cast( np.ndarray, self.temperatures ).round(2) elif set_temperatures is not None: assert len(set_temperatures) == len(self.temperatures) self.set_temperatures = np.array(set_temperatures) else: self.set_temperatures = None self.plate_rows = int(cast(str, cast(ET.Element, pde.find("Rows")).text)) self.plate_cols = int(cast(str, cast(ET.Element, pde.find("Cols")).text)) assert self.plate_cols % len(self.temperatures) == 0 # todo: handle other cases assert self.plate_rows * self.plate_cols in (96, 384) assert len(self.temperatures) in (1, 2, 3, 6) wfs = cast(ET.Element, pde.find("WellData")).text if wfs is None: raise ValueError("WellData is empty.") self.well_fluorescence = cast( np.ndarray, np.fromstring(wfs, sep=" "), ) self.timestamp = timestamp if timestamp is None and sds_dir is not None: qs = glob( os.path.join( sds_dir, "quant", self.filename_reading_string + "_E*.quant" ) ) qs.sort() self.set_timestamp_by_quantdata(open(qs[-1]).read())
[docs] def set_timestamp_by_quantdata(self, qstring: str) -> float: qss = qstring.split("\n\n")[3].split("\n") assert len(qss) == 3 assert qss[0] == "[conditions]" qd = {k: v for k, v in zip(qss[1].split("\t"), qss[2].split("\t"))} self.timestamp = float(qd["Time"]) return self.timestamp
@property def filename_reading_string(self) -> str: return ( f"S{self.stage:02}_C{self.cycle:03}_T{self.step:02}_" f"P{self.point:04}_{self.filter_set.upperform}" ) @property def well_temperatures(self) -> np.ndarray: zones = self.plate_cols / len(self.temperatures) assert zones == int(zones) return cast( np.ndarray, self.temperatures[ np.tile( np.arange(0, len(self.temperatures)).repeat(int(zones)), self.plate_rows, ) ], ) @property def well_set_temperatures(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.set_temperatures is None: raise ValueError("No set temperatures available.") zones = self.plate_cols / len(self.set_temperatures) assert zones == int(zones) zones = int(zones) if self.set_temperatures is not None: return cast( np.ndarray, self.set_temperatures[ np.tile( np.arange(0, len(self.set_temperatures)).repeat(zones), self.plate_rows, ) ], ) else: return np.full(self.plate_cols * self.plate_rows, None) @property def plate_temperatures(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.well_temperatures.reshape(self.plate_rows, self.plate_cols) @property def plate_set_temperatures(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.well_set_temperatures.reshape(self.plate_rows, self.plate_cols) @property def plate_fluorescence(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.well_fluorescence.reshape(self.plate_rows, self.plate_cols)
[docs] def to_lineprotocol( self, run_name: Optional[str] = None, sample_array=None ) -> List[str]: lines = [] gs = f"filterdata,filter_set={self.filter_set}" assert self.timestamp es = " {}".format(int(self.timestamp * 1e9)) wr = [ (_UPPERS[rn], rn, c) for rn in range(0, self.plate_rows) for c in range(1, self.plate_cols + 1) ] for (r, rn, c), f, tr, ts in zip( wr, self.well_fluorescence, self.well_temperatures, self.well_set_temperatures, ): s = ( f",row={r},col={c:02} fluorescence={f},temperature_read={tr}" f",stage={self.stage:02}i,cycle={self.cycle:03}i" f",step={self.step:02}i,point={self.point:04}i" ) if sample_array is not None: s += f',sample="{sample_array[rn,c-1]}"' if run_name is not None: s += f',run_name="{run_name}"' if self.set_temperatures is not None: s += f",temperature_set={ts}" lines.append(gs + s + es) return lines
[docs] def df_from_readings( readings: List[FilterDataReading], start_time: float | None = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: f = [ np.concatenate( ( np.array([r.timestamp]), r.well_fluorescence, r.well_temperatures, r.well_set_temperatures, np.array([r.exposure]), ) ) for r in readings ] indices = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(r.filter_set.lowerform, r.stage, r.cycle, r.step, r.point) for r in readings], names=["filter_set", "stage", "cycle", "step", "point"], ) # fr = readings[0] # wr = [ # f"{r}{c:02}" # for r in _UPPERS[0 : fr.plate_rows] # for c in range(1, fr.plate_cols + 1) # ] a = pd.DataFrame( f, index=indices, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(cast(str, "time"), cast(str, "timestamp"))] + [ (f"{r}{c}", v) for v in ["fl", "rt", "st"] for r in _UPPERS[0 : readings[0].plate_rows] for c in range(1, readings[0].plate_cols + 1) ] + [("exposure", "exposure")] ), ) if start_time is not None: a[("time", "seconds")] = a[("time", "timestamp")] - start_time a[("time", "hours")] = a[("time", "seconds")] / 3600.0 a.sort_index(inplace=True) return a.reindex( labels=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(cast(str, "time"), v) for v in ["seconds", "hours", "timestamp"]] + [ (f"{r}{c}", v) for r in _UPPERS[0 : readings[0].plate_rows] for c in range(1, readings[0].plate_cols + 1) for v in ["fl", "rt", "st"] ] + [("exposure", "exposure")] ), axis="columns", # type: ignore )
def _filterdata_df_v2( jsdata: dict, plate_type: int, quant_files_path: Path | None = None, start_time: float | None = None, ): dfd: dict[str, list[Any]] = { "filter_set": [], "stage": [], "cycle": [], "step": [], "point": [], "exposure": [], } dft = [] wellnames = _WELLNAMES_96 if plate_type == 96 else _WELLNAMES_384 for w in wellnames: dfd[w] = [] for x in jsdata: cp = x["collectionPoint"] for y in x["filterData"]: dfd["filter_set"].append(y["filterSet"].lower().replace("_", "-")) dfd["stage"].append(cp["stage"]) dfd["cycle"].append(cp["cycle"]) dfd["step"].append(cp["step"]) dfd["point"].append(cp["point"]) dfd["exposure"].append(y["exposure"]) for w, v in zip(wellnames, y["wellFluorescences"], strict=True): dfd[w].append(v) dft.append(x["zoneTemperatures"]) fdd = pd.DataFrame(dfd) fdd.set_index(["filter_set", "stage", "cycle", "step", "point"], inplace=True) fdd.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("exposure", "exposure")] + [(x, "fl") for x in wellnames] ) wrt = pd.DataFrame( np.array(dft).repeat(int(plate_type / len(dft[0])), axis=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(x, "rt") for x in wellnames]), index=fdd.index, ) if quant_files_path is not None: timestamps = [] for filter_set, stage, cycle, step, point in fdd.index: filename = ( f"S{stage:02}_C{cycle:03}_T{step:02}_" f"P{point:04}_{FilterSet.fromstring(filter_set).upperform}" "_E1.quant" # fixme: make consistent ) qstring = (quant_files_path / filename).open().read() qss = qstring.split("\n\n")[3].split("\n") assert len(qss) == 3 assert qss[0] == "[conditions]" qd = {k: v for k, v in zip(qss[1].split("\t"), qss[2].split("\t"))} timestamp = float(qd["Time"]) timestamps.append(timestamp) fdd["time", "timestamp"] = timestamps if start_time is not None: fdd[("time", "seconds")] = fdd[("time", "timestamp")] - start_time fdd[("time", "hours")] = fdd[("time", "seconds")] / 3600.0 return fdd.join(wrt).sort_index(axis=1) def _parse_strlist(s): if s == "[]": return [] return [d for d in s[1:-1].split(", ")] T = TypeVar("T") def _parse_multicomponent_data_v1(root: ET.ElementTree): n_wells = int(_find_text_or_raise(root, "WellCount")) if n_wells == 96: wellnames = _WELLNAMES_96 elif n_wells == 384: wellnames = _WELLNAMES_384 else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported number of wells in multicomponent data: {n_wells}" ) cycle_count = int(_find_text_or_raise(root, "CycleCount")) welldyes = { int(dd.attrib["WellIndex"]): _parse_strlist( _find_text_or_raise(dd, "DyeList") ) # fixme for dd in root.findall("DyeData") } wellcycdata = { int(d.attrib["WellIndex"]): { dye: np.fromstring(_get_text_or_raise(sd)[1:-1], sep=",") for dye, sd in zip( welldyes[int(d.attrib["WellIndex"])], d.findall("CycleData"), ) } for d in root.findall("SignalData") } cycdataframes = [] for k, v in wellcycdata.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(v) df["collection_cycle"] = df.index + 1 df["well"] = wellnames[k] cycdataframes.append(df) mcd = pd.concat(cycdataframes).set_index(["well", "collection_cycle"]) temperatures = pd.Series( np.fromstring(_find_text_or_raise(root, "SampleTemperatures"), sep="\t"), index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [wellnames, range(1, cycle_count + 1)], names=["well", "collection_cycle"] ), name="temperature", ) cps = pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ [ int(y) for y in cast( re.Match[str], re.match(r"\[Stg:(\d+) Cyc:(\d+) Stp:(\d+) Pt:(\d+)\]", x), ).groups() ] for x in _parse_strlist(_find_text_or_raise(root, "CollectionPoints")) ], columns=[ "stage", "cycle", "step", "point", ], index=pd.Index(range(1, cycle_count + 1), name="collection_cycle"), ) return mcd.join(temperatures).join(cps) def _parse_multicomponent_data_v2(jd: dict, plate_type: int): if plate_type == 96: wellnames = _WELLNAMES_96 elif plate_type == 384: wellnames = _WELLNAMES_384 else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported number of wells in multicomponent data: {plate_type}" ) cycle_count = len(jd["collectionPoints"]) wellcycdata = { int(d["wellIndex"]): { dd["dyeName"]: np.array(dd["fluorescences"]) for dd in d["dyeData"] } | {"temperature": d["temperatures"]} for d in jd["wellData"] } # FIXME: bubble data cycdataframes = [] for k, v in wellcycdata.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(v) df["collection_cycle"] = df.index + 1 df["well"] = wellnames[k] cycdataframes.append(df) mcd = pd.concat(cycdataframes).set_index(["well", "collection_cycle"]) cps = pd.DataFrame.from_records( jd["collectionPoints"], index=pd.Index(range(1, cycle_count + 1), name="collection_cycle"), ) return mcd.join(cps) def _parse_analysis_result(contents: str, plate_type: int): wellnames = _WELLNAMES_96 if plate_type == 96 else _WELLNAMES_384 a = [x.splitlines() for x in re.split(r"\n(?=\d)", contents)] colnames = a[0][1].split("\t") ard_d: dict[str, list[Any]] = {y: [] for y in colnames} # ard_d |= { # "Std Curve Results": [], # "Std Curve Results X Values": [], # "Std Curve Results Y Values": [], # "Rn values": [], # "Delta Rn values": [], # } # FIXME: will fail if there are unexpected columns for x in a[1:]: for k, v in zip(colnames, x[0].split("\t")): if v == "": v = np.nan # FIXME: else: try: v = int(v) except ValueError: try: v = float(v) except ValueError: pass if k not in ard_d: ard_d[k] = [] ard_d[k].append(v) for y in x[1:]: z = y.split("\t") k = z[0] v = z[1:] if k not in ard_d: ard_d[k] = [] ard_d[k].append(v) d = pd.DataFrame(ard_d) d.rename({"Well": "WellIndex"}, axis=1, inplace=True) d["Well"] = np.array(wellnames)[d["WellIndex"]] d.set_index(["Well"], inplace=True) return (d, None) # fixme: parse ampl data