Source code for qslib.machine

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 - 2023 Constantine Evans <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import base64
import logging
import re
import zipfile
from asyncio.futures import Future
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generator, Literal, cast, overload

import nest_asyncio

from qslib.qs_is_protocol import CommandError
from qslib.scpi_commands import AccessLevel, SCPICommand

from ._util import _unwrap_tags
from .protocol import Protocol
from .qsconnection_async import FileListInfo, QSConnectionAsync


from .base import MachineStatus, RunStatus  # noqa: E402

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # noqa: F401

    from .experiment import Experiment

def _ensure_connection(level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Observer) -> Any:
    def wrap(func):
        def wrapped(m: Machine, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
            if m.automatic:
                with m.ensured_connection(level):
                    return func(m, *args, **kwargs)
                return func(m, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return wrap

[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class Machine: """ A connection to a QuantStudio machine. The connection can be opened and closed, and reused. A maximum access level can be set and changed, which will prevent the access level from going above that level. By default, the class tries to handle connections and access automatically. Parameters ---------- host The host name or IP to connect to. password The password to use. Note that this class does not obscure or protect the password at all, because it should not be relied on for security. See :ref:`access-and-security` for more information. automatic Whether or not to automatically handle connection, disconnection, and where possible, access level. Default True. max_access_level: "Observer", "Controller", "Administrator", or "Full" The maximum access level to allow. This is *not* the initial access level, which will be Observer. The parameter can be changed later by changing the :code:`max_access_level` attribute. port The port to connect to. If None, and ssl is None, then 7443 will be tried with SSL, and if it fails, then 7000 will be tried without SSL. ssl Whether or not to use SSL. If None, then SSL will be chosen based on the port number. """ host: str password: str | None = None automatic: bool = True _max_access_level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Controller port: int | None = None ssl: bool | None = None _initial_access_level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Observer _current_access_level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Guest _connection: QSConnectionAsync | None = None
[docs] def asdict(self, password: bool = False) -> dict[str, str | int | None]: d: dict[str, str | int | None] = {"host":} if self.password and password: d["password"] = self.password if self.max_access_level != Machine._max_access_level: d["max_access_level"] = self.max_access_level.value if self.port != Machine.port: d["port"] = self.port if self.ssl != Machine.ssl: d["ssl"] = self.ssl if self.automatic != Machine.automatic: d["automatic"] = self.automatic return d
@property def connection(self) -> QSConnectionAsync: """The :class:`QSConnectionAsync` for the connection, or a :class:`ConnectionError`.""" if self._connection is None: raise ConnectionError else: return self._connection @connection.setter def connection(self, v: QSConnectionAsync | None) -> None: self._connection = v @property def max_access_level(self) -> AccessLevel: return self._max_access_level @max_access_level.setter def max_access_level(self, v: AccessLevel | str) -> None: if not isinstance(v, AccessLevel): self._max_access_level = AccessLevel(v) else: self._max_access_level = v def __init__( self, host: str, password: str | None = None, automatic: bool = True, max_access_level: AccessLevel | str = AccessLevel.Controller, port: int | None = None, ssl: bool | None = None, client_certificate_path: str | None = None, server_ca_file: str | None = None, _initial_access_level: AccessLevel | str = AccessLevel.Observer, ): = host self.port = port self.ssl = ssl self.password = password self.automatic = automatic self.max_access_level = AccessLevel(max_access_level) self._initial_access_level = AccessLevel(_initial_access_level) self._connection = None self.client_certificate_path = client_certificate_path self.server_ca_file = server_ca_file
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: """Open the connection manually.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.connection = QSConnectionAsync(, port=self.port, ssl=self.ssl, password=self.password, initial_access_level=self._initial_access_level, client_certificate_path=self.client_certificate_path, server_ca_file=self.server_ca_file, ) loop.run_until_complete(self.connection.connect()) self._current_access_level = self.get_access_level()[0] self.port = self.connection.port self.ssl = self.connection.ssl
@property def connected(self) -> bool: """Whether or not there is a current connection to the machine. Note that when using automatic connections, this will usually be False, because connections will only be active when running a command. """ if (not hasattr(self, "_connection")) or (self._connection is None): return False else: return self.connection.connected def __enter__(self) -> Machine: try: self.connect() except Exception as e: self.disconnect() raise e return self
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Guest) def run_command(self, command: str | SCPICommand) -> str: """Run a SCPI command, and return the response as a string. Waits for OK, not just NEXT. Parameters ---------- command : str command to run Returns ------- str Response message (after "OK", not including it) Raises ------ CommandError Received an Error response. """ if self.connection is None: raise ConnectionError(f"Not connected to {}.") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return loop.run_until_complete(self.connection.run_command(command)) except CommandError as e: e.__traceback__ = None raise e
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Guest) def run_command_to_ack(self, command: str | SCPICommand) -> str: """Run an SCPI command, and return the response as a string. Returns after the command is processed (OK or NEXT), but potentially before it has completed (NEXT). Parameters ---------- commands command to run Returns ------- str Response message (after "OK" or "NEXT", likely "" in latter case) Raises ------ CommandError Received an Error response. """ if self.connection is None: raise ConnectionError(f"Not connected to {}") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return loop.run_until_complete( self.connection.run_command(command, just_ack=True) ) except CommandError as e: e.__traceback__ = None raise e
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Guest) def run_command_bytes(self, command: str | bytes | SCPICommand) -> bytes: """Run an SCPI command, and return the response as bytes (undecoded). Returns after the command is processed (OK or NEXT), but potentially before it has completed (NEXT). Parameters ---------- command command to run Returns ------- bytes Response message (after "OK" or "NEXT", likely "" in latter case) Raises ------ CommandError Received """ if self.connection is None: raise ConnectionError(f"Not connected to {}.") if isinstance(command, str): command = command.encode() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(self.connection._protocol.run_command(command))
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def define_protocol(self, protocol: Protocol) -> None: """Send a protocol to the machine. This *is not related* to a particular experiment. The name on the machine is set by the protocol. Parameters ---------- protocol protocol to send """ protocol.validate() self.run_command(protocol.to_scpicommand())
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def read_dir_as_zip(self, path: str, leaf: str = "FILE") -> zipfile.ZipFile: """Read a directory on the Parameters ---------- path : str path on the machine leaf : str, optional leaf to use, by default "FILE" Returns ------- zipfile.ZipFile the returned zip file """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(self.connection.read_dir_as_zip(path, leaf))
@overload def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: Literal[True], recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[FileListInfo]: ... @overload def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: Literal[False] = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str]: ... @overload def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str] | list[FileListInfo]: ...
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str] | list[FileListInfo]: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete( self.connection.list_files( path, leaf=leaf, verbose=verbose, recursive=recursive ) )
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def read_file( self, path: str, context: str | None = None, leaf: str = "FILE" ) -> bytes: """Read a file. Parameters ---------- path : str File path on the machine. context : str | None (default None) Context. leaf: str (default FILE) Returns ------- bytes returned file """ return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( self.connection.read_file(path, context, leaf) )
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def write_file(self, path: str, data: str | bytes) -> None: if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode() self.run_command_bytes( b"FILE:WRITE " + path.encode() + b" <quote.base64>\n" + base64.encodebytes(data) + b"\n</quote.base64>" )
@overload def list_runs_in_storage(self, glob: str = "*", *, verbose: Literal[True]) -> list[FileListInfo]: ... @overload def list_runs_in_storage(self, glob: str = "*", *, verbose: Literal[False] = False) -> list[str]: ... @overload def list_runs_in_storage(self, glob: str = "*", *, verbose: bool = False) -> list[str] | list[FileListInfo]: ...
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def list_runs_in_storage( self, glob: str = "*", *, verbose: bool = False ) -> list[str] | list[FileListInfo]: """List runs in machine storage. Returns ------- list[str] run filenames. Retrieve with load_run_from_storage (to open as :any`Experiment`) or save_run_from_storage (to download and save it without opening.) """ if not glob.endswith("eds"): glob = f"{glob}eds" if not verbose: return [ re.sub("^public_run_complete:", "", s)[:-4] for s in self.list_files(f"public_run_complete:{glob}", verbose=False) ] else: a = self.list_files(f"public_run_complete:{glob}", verbose=True) for e in a: e["path"] = re.sub("^public_run_complete:", "", e["path"])[:-4] return a
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def load_run_from_storage(self, path: str) -> "Experiment": # type: ignore from .experiment import Experiment """Load a run from machine storage as an Experiment """ return Experiment.from_machine_storage(self, path)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Guest) def save_run_from_storage( self, machine_path: str, download_path: str | IO[bytes], overwrite: bool = False ) -> None: """Download a file from run storage on the machine. Parameters ---------- machine_path : str filename on the machine download_path : str | IO[bytes] filename to download to, or an open file overwrite : bool, optional if False and provided a filename rather than an open file, will not overwrite existing filies; by default False """ fdata = self.read_file(machine_path, context="public_run_complete") if not isinstance(download_path, str): file = download_path file.write(fdata) else: if overwrite: file = open(download_path, "wb") else: file = open(download_path, "xb") try: file.write(fdata) finally: file.close()
@_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def _get_log_from_byte(self, name: str | bytes, byte: int) -> bytes: logfuture: Future[ tuple[bytes, bytes, Future[tuple[bytes, bytes, None]] | None] ] = asyncio.Future() if self.connection is None: raise Exception if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() self.connection._protocol.waiting_commands.append((b"logtransfer", logfuture)) logcommand = self.connection._protocol.run_command( f"eval? session.writeQueue.put(('OK logtransfer \\<quote.base64\\>\\\\n'" f" + (lambda x: [{byte}), __import__('base64').encodestring(][1])" f"(open('/data/vendor/IS/experiments/{name}/apldbio/sds/messages.log')) +" " '\\</quote.base64\\>\\\\n', None))", ack_timeout=200, ) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(logcommand) loop.run_until_complete(logfuture) return base64.decodebytes(logfuture.result()[1][15:-17])
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def run_status(self) -> RunStatus: """Return information on the status of any run.""" return RunStatus.from_machine(self)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def machine_status(self) -> MachineStatus: """Return information on the status of the machine.""" return MachineStatus.from_machine(self)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def get_running_protocol(self) -> Protocol: p = _unwrap_tags(self.run_command("PROT? ${Protocol}")) pn, svs, rm = self.run_command( "RET ${Protocol} ${SampleVolume} ${RunMode}" ).split() p = f"PROT -volume={svs} -runmode={rm} {pn} " + p return Protocol.from_scpicommand(SCPICommand.from_string(p))
[docs] def set_access_level( self, access_level: AccessLevel | str, exclusive: bool = False, stealth: bool = False, ) -> None: access_level = AccessLevel(access_level) if access_level > AccessLevel(self.max_access_level): raise ValueError( f"Access level {access_level} is above maximum {self.max_access_level}." " Change max_access level to continue." ) self.run_command( f"ACC -stealth={stealth} -exclusive={exclusive} {access_level}" ) log.debug(f"Took access level {access_level} {exclusive=} {stealth=}") self._current_access_level = access_level
[docs] def get_access_level( self, ) -> tuple[AccessLevel, bool, bool]: ret = self.run_command("ACC?") m = re.match(r"^-stealth=(\w+) -exclusive=(\w+) (\w+)", ret) if m is None: raise ValueError(ret) level = AccessLevel(m[3]) self._current_access_level = level return level, m[2] == "True", m[1] == "True"
@property def access_level(self) -> AccessLevel: return self._current_access_level @access_level.setter def access_level(self, v: AccessLevel | str) -> None: with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Guest): self.set_access_level(v)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def drawer_open(self) -> None: """Open the machine drawer using the OPEN command. This will ensure proper cover/drawer operation. It *will not check run status*, and will open and close the drawer during runs and potentially during imaging. """ self.run_command("OPEN")
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def drawer_close(self, lower_cover: bool = True, check: bool = True) -> None: """Close the machine drawer using the OPEN command. This will ensure proper cover/drawer operation. It *will not check run status*, and will open and close the drawer during runs and potentially during imaging. By default, it will lower the cover automaticaly after closing, use lower_cover=False to not do so. """ self.run_command("CLOSE") if (drawerpos := self.drawer_position) != "Closed": log.error(f"Drawer position should be Closed, but is {drawerpos}.") if check: raise ValueError(f"Drawer position is {drawerpos}") if lower_cover: self.cover_lower(check=check, ensure_drawer=False)
@property @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Observer) def block(self) -> tuple[bool, float]: """Returns whether the block is currently temperature-controlled, and the current block temperature setting.""" sbool, v = self.run_command("BLOCK?").split() sbool = sbool.lower() v = float(v) if sbool == "on": return True, v elif sbool == "off": return False, v else: raise ValueError(f"Block status {sbool} {v} is not understood.") @block.setter @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def block(self, value: float | None | bool | tuple[bool, float]): """Set the block temperature control. If a float is given, it will be set to that temperature; None or False will turn off the block temperature control, and True will turn it on at the current set temperature. A tuple can be given to specify both the on/off status and the temperature.""" if (value is None) or (value is False): bcom = "OFF" elif value is True: bcom = "ON" elif isinstance(value, tuple): bcom = f"{'ON' if value[0] else 'OFF'} {float(value[1])}" else: try: bcom = f"ON {float(value)}" except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Block value {value} is not understood.") self.run_command(f"BLOCK {bcom}") @property def status(self) -> RunStatus: """Return the current status of the run.""" with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Observer): return RunStatus.from_machine(self) @property def drawer_position(self) -> Literal["Open", "Closed", "Unknown"]: """Return the drawer position from the DRAW? command.""" with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Observer): d = self.run_command("DRAW?") if d not in ["Open", "Closed", "Unknown"]: raise ValueError(f"Drawer position {d} is not understood.") return cast(Literal["Open", "Closed", "Unknown"], d) @property def cover_position(self) -> Literal["Up", "Down", "Unknown", ""]: """Return the cover position from the ENG? command. Note that this does not always seem to work.""" with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Observer): f = self.run_command("ENG?") if f not in ["Up", "Down", "Unknown", ""]: raise ValueError(f"Cover position {f} is not understood.") if f == "": log.error("Cover position is blank. This should not happen.") return cast(Literal["Up", "Down", "Unknown", ""], f)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def cover_lower(self, check: bool = True, ensure_drawer: bool = True) -> None: """Lower/engage the plate cover, closing the drawer if needed.""" if ensure_drawer and (self.drawer_position in ("Open", "Unknown")): self.drawer_close(lower_cover=False, check=check) self.run_command("COVerDOWN") if (covpos := self.cover_position) != "Down": log.error(f"Cover position should be Down, but is {covpos}.") if check: raise ValueError(f"Cover position should be Down, but is {covpos}.")
def __exit__(self, exc_type: type, exc: Exception, tb: Any) -> None: self.disconnect() def __del__(self) -> None: if self.connected: self.disconnect()
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Cleanly disconnect from the machine.""" if self.connection is None: raise ConnectionError(f"Not connected to {}.") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(self.connection.disconnect()) self._connection = None self._current_access_level = AccessLevel.Guest
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def abort_current_run(self) -> None: """Abort (stop immediately) the current run.""" self.run_command("AbortRun ${RunTitle}")
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def stop_current_run(self) -> None: """Stop (stop after cycle end) the current run.""" self.run_command("StopRun ${RunTitle}")
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def pause_current_run(self) -> None: """Pause the current run now.""" self.run_command_to_ack("PAUSe")
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def pause_current_run_at_temperature(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def resume_current_run(self) -> None: """Resume the current run.""" self.run_command_to_ack("RESume")
@property def power(self) -> bool: """Get and set the machine's operational power (lamp, etc) as a bool. Setting this to False will not turn off the machine, just power down the lamp, temperature control, etc. It will do so even if there is currently a run. """ with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Observer): s = self.run_command("POW?").lower() if s == "on": return True elif s == "off": return False else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected power status: {s}") @power.setter def power(self, value: Literal["on", "off", True, False]) -> None: with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Controller): if value is True: value = "on" elif value is False: value = "off" self.run_command(f"POW {value}") @property def current_run_name(self) -> str | None: """Name of current run, or None if no run is active.""" with self.ensured_connection(AccessLevel.Observer): out = self.run_command("RUNTitle?") if out == "-": return None else: return re.sub(r"(<([\w.]+)>)?([^<]+)(</[\w.]+>)?", r"\3", out)
[docs] @_ensure_connection(AccessLevel.Controller) def restart_system(self) -> None: """Restart the system (both the InstrumentServer and android interface) by killing the zygote process.""" self.run_command(SCPICommand("SYST:EXEC", "killall zygote"))
[docs] @contextmanager def at_access( self, access_level: AccessLevel | str, exclusive: bool = False, stealth: bool = False, ) -> Generator[Machine, None, None]: fac, fex, fst = self.get_access_level() self.set_access_level(access_level, exclusive, stealth) log.debug(f"Took access level {access_level} {exclusive=} {stealth=}.") yield self self.set_access_level(fac, fex, fst) log.debug( f"Dropped access level {access_level}, returning to {fac} exclusive={fex} stealth={fst}." )
[docs] @contextmanager def ensured_connection( self, access_level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Observer ) -> Generator[Machine, None, None]: if self.automatic: was_connected = self.connected if not was_connected: self.connect() old_access = self.access_level if old_access < access_level: self.set_access_level(access_level) yield self if not was_connected: self.disconnect() elif old_access < access_level: self.set_access_level(old_access) else: yield self