Source code for qslib.qsconnection_async

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 - 2023 Constantine Evans <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import base64
import hmac
import io
import logging
import re
import shlex
import ssl
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union, cast, overload

import pandas as pd

from . import data
from .qs_is_protocol import CommandError, Error, NoMatch, QS_IS_Protocol
from .scpi_commands import AccessLevel, ArgList, SCPICommand

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _gen_auth_response(password: str, challenge_string: str) -> str:
    return hmac.digest(password.encode(), challenge_string.encode(), "md5").hex()

def _parse_argstring(argstring: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    unparsed = argstring.split()

    args: dict[str, str] = dict()
    # FIXME: do quotes allow spaces?
    for u in unparsed:
        m = re.match("-([^=]+)=(.*)$", u)
        if m is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Can't parse {u} in argstring.", u)
        args[m[1]] = m[2]

    return args

[docs] class AlreadyCollectedError(Exception): ...
[docs] class RunNotFinishedError(Exception): ...
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True, eq=True) class FilterDataFilename: filterset: data.FilterSet stage: int cycle: int step: int point: int
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring(cls, x: str) -> FilterDataFilename: s ="S(\d+)_C(\d+)_T(\d+)_P(\d+)_M(\d)_X(\d)_filterdata.xml$", x) if s is None: raise ValueError return cls( data.FilterSet.fromstring(f"x{s[6]}-m{s[5]}"), int(s[1]), int(s[2]), int(s[3]), int(s[4]), )
[docs] def tostring(self) -> str: return ( f"S{self.stage:02}_C{self.cycle:03}_T{self.step:02}_P{self.point:04}" f"_M{self.filterset.em}_X{self.filterset.ex}_filterdata.xml" )
[docs] def is_same_point(self, other: FilterDataFilename) -> bool: return ( (self.stage == other.stage) and (self.cycle == other.cycle) and (self.step == other.step) and (self.point == other.point) )
[docs] class QSConnectionAsync: """Class for connection to a QuantStudio instrument server, using asyncio""" _protocol: QS_IS_Protocol async def __aenter__(self) -> QSConnectionAsync: await self.connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: type, exc: Error, tb: Any) -> None: if self._transport.is_closing(): return await self.disconnect()
[docs] async def disconnect(self) -> None: if self._transport.is_closing(): return await self._protocol.disconnect() self._transport.close()
@property def connected(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_protocol"): if self._protocol.lostconnection.done(): return False else: return True else: return False @overload async def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: Literal[True], recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: ... @overload async def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: Literal[False], recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str]: ... @overload async def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str] | list[dict[str, Any]]: ...
[docs] async def list_files( self, path: str, *, leaf: str = "FILE", verbose: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, ) -> list[str] | list[dict[str, Any]]: if not verbose: if recursive: raise NotImplementedError return (await self.run_command(f"{leaf}:LIST? {path}")).split("\n")[1:-1] else: v = (await self.run_command(f"{leaf}:LIST? -verbose {path}")).split("\n")[ 1:-1 ] ret: list[dict[str, str | float | int]] = [] for x in v: rm = re.match( r'"([^"]+)" -type=(\S+) -size=(\S+) -mtime=(\S+) -atime=(\S+) -ctime=(\S+)$', x, ) if rm is None: ag = ArgList.from_string(x) d: dict[str, str | float | int] = {} d["path"] = ag.args[0] d |= ag.opts else: d = {} d["path"] = d["type"] = d["size"] = int( d["mtime"] = float( d["atime"] = float( d["ctime"] = float( if d["type"] == "folder" and recursive: ret += await self.list_files( cast(str, d["path"]), leaf=leaf, verbose=True, recursive=True ) else: ret.append(d) return ret
[docs] async def compile_eds(self, run_name: str) -> None: """Take a finished run directory in experiments:, compile it into an EDS, and move it to public_run_complete:""" expfiles = await self.list_files("", leaf="experiment", verbose=True) results = [r for r in expfiles if r["path"] == run_name] if len(results) != 1: raise ValueError res = results[0] if "run" not in res: raise FileNotFoundError(res) if res["state"] not in ["Completed", "Terminated"]: raise RunNotFinishedError(res) if ("collected" in res) and (res["collected"]): raise AlreadyCollectedError(res) await self.run_command( f'exp:run -asynchronous <block> zip "{run_name}.eds" "{run_name}" </block>' ) await self.run_command( f'file:move "experiments:{run_name}.eds" "public_run_complete:{run_name}.eds"' ) await self.run_command(f'exp:attr= "{run_name}" collected True')
def __init__( self, host: str = "localhost", port: int | None = None, ssl: bool | None = None, authenticate_on_connect: bool = True, initial_access_level: AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Observer, password: Optional[str] = None, client_certificate_path: Optional[str] = None, server_ca_file: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a connection to a QuantStudio Instrument Server.""" = host self.port = port self.ssl = ssl self.password = password self._initial_access_level = initial_access_level self._authenticate_on_connect = authenticate_on_connect self.client_certificate_path = client_certificate_path self.server_ca_file = server_ca_file def _parse_access_line(self, aline: str) -> None: # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if not aline.startswith("READy"): raise ConnectionError(f"Server opening seems invalid: {aline}") args = _parse_argstring(aline[5:]) self.session = int(args["session"]) self.product = args["product"] self.server_version = args["version"] self.server_build = args["build"] self.server_capabilities = args["capabilities"] self.server_hello_args = args
[docs] async def connect( self, authenticate: Optional[bool] = None, initial_access_level: AccessLevel | None = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: if authenticate is not None: self._authenticate_on_connect = authenticate if password is not None: self.password = password if initial_access_level is not None: self._initial_access_level = initial_access_level CTX = ssl.create_default_context() CTX.check_hostname = False CTX.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE CTX.minimum_version = ( ssl.TLSVersion.SSLv3 ) # Yes, we actually need this for QS5 connections if self.client_certificate_path is not None: CTX.load_cert_chain(self.client_certificate_path) if self.server_ca_file is not None: CTX.load_verify_locations(self.server_ca_file) CTX.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if (self.ssl is None) and (self.port is None): try: self._transport, proto = await asyncio.wait_for( self.loop.create_connection( QS_IS_Protocol,, 7443, ssl=CTX, ssl_handshake_timeout=10, ), 5, ) self.ssl = True self.port = 7443 except OSError: self._transport, proto = await self.loop.create_connection( QS_IS_Protocol,, 7000 ) self.ssl = False self.port = 7000 elif (self.ssl is None) and (self.port is not None): if self.port == 7443: self.ssl = True elif self.port == 7000: self.ssl = False else: raise ValueError("Port must be 7443 or 7000 if SSL is not specified") elif (self.ssl is not None) and (self.port is None): if self.ssl: self.port = 7443 else: self.port = 7000 self._transport, proto = await self.loop.create_connection( QS_IS_Protocol,, int(cast("int | str", self.port)), ssl=CTX if cast(bool, self.ssl) else None, ) self._protocol = cast(QS_IS_Protocol, proto) await self._protocol.readymsg resp = self._protocol.readymsg.result() self._parse_access_line(resp) if self._authenticate_on_connect: if self.password is not None: await self.authenticate(self.password) if self._initial_access_level is not None: await self.set_access_level(self._initial_access_level) return resp
[docs] async def run_command_to_bytes( self, command: str | bytes | SCPICommand, just_ack: bool = True ) -> bytes: try: return ( await self._protocol.run_command(command, just_ack=just_ack) ).rstrip() except CommandError as e: e.__traceback__ = None raise e
[docs] async def run_command( self, command: str | bytes | SCPICommand, just_ack: bool = False ) -> str: try: return (await self.run_command_to_bytes(command, just_ack)).decode() except CommandError as e: e.__traceback__ = None raise e
[docs] async def authenticate(self, password: str) -> None: challenge_key = await self.run_command(SCPICommand("CHAL?")) auth_rep = _gen_auth_response(password, challenge_key) await self.run_command(SCPICommand("AUTH", auth_rep))
[docs] async def set_access_level(self, level: AccessLevel) -> None: await self.run_command(SCPICommand("ACC", level.value))
[docs] async def get_expfile_list( self, glob: str, allow_nomatch: bool = False ) -> List[str]: try: fl = await self.run_command(SCPICommand("EXP:LIST?", glob)) except NoMatch as ce: if allow_nomatch: return [] else: raise ce else: assert fl.startswith("<quote.reply>") assert fl.endswith("</quote.reply>") return fl.split("\n")[1:-1]
[docs] async def get_run_title(self) -> str: return (await self.run_command("RUNTitle?")).strip('"')
[docs] async def get_exp_file( self, path: str, encoding: Literal["plain", "base64"] = "base64" ) -> bytes: reply = await self.run_command_to_bytes( f"EXP:READ? -encoding={encoding} {shlex.quote(path)}" ) assert reply.startswith(b"<quote>\n") assert reply.endswith(b"</quote>") r = reply[8:-8] if encoding == "base64": return base64.decodebytes(r) else: return r
[docs] async def read_dir_as_zip(self, path: str, leaf: str = "FILE") -> zipfile.ZipFile: """Read a directory on the Parameters ---------- path : str path on the machine leaf : str, optional leaf to use, by default "FILE" Returns ------- zipfile.ZipFile the returned zip file """ if (path[0] != '"') and (path[-1] != '"'): path = '"' + path + '"' x = await self.run_command_to_bytes(f"{leaf}:ZIPREAD? {path}") return zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(base64.decodebytes(x[7:-8])))
[docs] async def read_file( self, path: str, context: str | None = None, leaf: str = "FILE", encoding: Literal["plain", "base64"] = "base64", ) -> bytes: if not context: contexts = "" elif context[-1] == ":": contexts = context else: contexts = context + ":" reply = await self.run_command_to_bytes( SCPICommand(f"{leaf}:READ?", contexts + path, encoding=encoding) ) assert reply.startswith(b"<quote>\n") assert reply.endswith(b"</quote>") r = reply[8:-8] if encoding == "base64": return base64.decodebytes(r) else: return r
[docs] async def get_sds_file( self, path: str, runtitle: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Literal["base64", "plain"] = "base64", ) -> bytes: if runtitle is None: runtitle = await self.get_run_title() return await self.get_exp_file(f"{runtitle}/apldbio/sds/{path}", encoding)
[docs] async def get_run_start_time(self) -> float: return float(await self.run_command("RET ${RunStartTime:--}"))
@overload async def get_filterdata_one( self, ref: FilterDataFilename, *, run: Optional[str] = None, return_files: Literal[True], ) -> tuple[data.FilterDataReading, list[tuple[str, bytes]]]: ... @overload async def get_filterdata_one( self, ref: FilterDataFilename, *, run: Optional[str] = None, return_files: Literal[False] = False, ) -> data.FilterDataReading: ...
[docs] async def get_filterdata_one( self, ref: FilterDataFilename, *, run: Optional[str] = None, return_files: bool = False, ) -> data.FilterDataReading | tuple[ data.FilterDataReading, list[tuple[str, bytes]] ]: if run is None: run = await self.get_run_title() fl = await self.get_exp_file(f"{run}/apldbio/sds/filter/" + ref.tostring()) if (x := ET.parse(io.BytesIO(fl)).find("PlatePointData/PlateData")) is not None: f = data.FilterDataReading(x) else: raise ValueError("PlateData not found") ql = ( await self.get_expfile_list( f"{run}/apldbio/sds/quant/{f.filename_reading_string}_E*.quant" ) )[-1] qf = await self.get_exp_file(ql) f.set_timestamp_by_quantdata(qf.decode()) if return_files: files = [("filter/" + ref.tostring(), fl)] qn ="quant/.*$", ql) assert qn is not None files.append((qn[0], qf)) return f, files else: return f
@overload async def get_all_filterdata( self, run: Optional[str], as_list: Literal[True] ) -> List[data.FilterDataReading]: ... @overload async def get_all_filterdata( self, run: Optional[str], as_list: Literal[False] ) -> pd.DataFrame: ...
[docs] async def get_all_filterdata( self, run: str | None = None, as_list: bool = False ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, List[data.FilterDataReading]]: if run is None: run = await self.get_run_title() pl = [ await self.get_filterdata_one(FilterDataFilename.fromstring(x)) for x in await self.get_expfile_list( f"{run}/apldbio/sds/filter/*_filterdata.xml" ) ] if as_list: return pl return data.df_from_readings(pl)