Source code for qslib.scpi_commands

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 - 2023 Constantine Evans <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

"""SCPI Command class and parsing"""

from __future__ import annotations

import shlex
import textwrap
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, cast

import numpy as np
import pyparsing as pp
from pyparsing import ParserElement
from pyparsing import pyparsing_common as ppc


_ws_or_end = (
    (pp.Regex(r"[ \t\r]+") | pp.StringEnd() | pp.FollowedBy("\n"))
_nl = (
    (pp.Literal("\n") + pp.Optional(pp.Regex(r"[ \t\r]+")))
_fwe = pp.FollowedBy(_ws_or_end).suppress().setName("<fwe?>")
_fweqc = pp.FollowedBy(_ws_or_end | "<" | ",").suppress().setName("<fweqc?>")

def _make_multi_keyword(kwd_str: str, kwd_value: Any) -> ParserElement:
    x = pp.oneOf(kwd_str)
    return x

_pbool = _make_multi_keyword("true True", True) | _make_multi_keyword(
    "False false", False

_qs = pp.quotedString
_qs.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0][1:-1])

_quote_content = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "._")
_quote_open = pp.Combine("<" + _quote_content + ">")
_quote_close = pp.Combine("</" + pp.matchPreviousExpr(_quote_content) + ">")
_quote_close_any = pp.Combine("</" + _quote_content + ">")

_command_forward = pp.Forward()

_commands_block = (
    + _nl
    + pp.delimitedList(_command_forward, _nl)
    + _nl
    + _quote_close.suppress()

_opt_value_one = (
    (_pbool + _fweqc)
    | (ppc.number + _fweqc)
    | (_quote_open.suppress() + pp.Regex(r"[^<]+") + _quote_close.suppress() + _fweqc)
    | (pp.Regex(r"[^ \t\n<\",#']+") + _fweqc)
    | (_qs + _fweqc)
).setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])

_ovcl = pp.delimited_list(_opt_value_one, ",")

_opt_value = (_commands_block | _ovcl | _opt_value_one).setParseAction(
    lambda toks: toks[0]
    if not isinstance(toks[0], SCPICommand) and len(toks) == 1
    else (list(toks[:]),)

_opt_kv_pair = (
    + ppc.identifier("key")
    + pp.Literal("=").suppress()
    + _opt_value.setResultsName("value")
).setResultsName("opt", listAllMatches=True)

_arg = _opt_value.setResultsName("arg", listAllMatches=True)

_arglist = pp.delimitedList(
    | (_quote_open.suppress() + _opt_kv_pair + _quote_close.suppress())
    | _arg,

    lambda toks: ArgList(
        {k: v for k, v in toks.get("opt", [])}, list(toks.get("arg", []))

[docs] @dataclass class ArgList: "A representation of an SCPI list of options (-key=value) and arguments." opts: dict[str, bool | int | float | str] args: list[bool | int | float | str]
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, argument_string: str) -> ArgList: """Parse an SCPI argument string.""" return cast(ArgList, _arglist.parseString(argument_string)[0])
_NULLIST = ArgList({}, []) _commentstring: pp.ParserElement = pp.Combine( pp.Regex(r"\s*#\s?").suppress() + pp.Regex(r"[^\n]+") + (pp.StringEnd() | pp.FollowedBy("\n")).suppress() ) _command: pp.ParserElement = cast( pp.ParserElement, ( pp.Combine(pp.Regex("[A-Za-z:_]+"))("command") + _ws_or_end + pp.Optional(_arglist("arglist")) + pp.Optional(_commentstring("comment")) + _ws_or_end ).setParseAction( lambda toks: SCPICommand( toks["command"], comment=toks.get("comment", None), *toks.get("arglist", _NULLIST).args, # FIXME **toks.get("arglist", _NULLIST).opts, ) ), ) _command_forward << _command _accesslevel_order: dict[str, int] = { "Guest": 0, "Observer": 1, "Controller": 2, "Administrator": 3, "Full": 4, }
[docs] class AccessLevel(Enum): """QS machine access level, with comparisons.""" Guest = "Guest" Observer = "Observer" Controller = "Controller" Administrator = "Administrator" Full = "Full" # value: str def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, AccessLevel): other = AccessLevel(other) return _accesslevel_order[self.value] > _accesslevel_order[other.value] def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, AccessLevel): other = AccessLevel(other) return _accesslevel_order[self.value] >= _accesslevel_order[other.value] def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, AccessLevel): other = AccessLevel(other) return _accesslevel_order[self.value] < _accesslevel_order[other.value] def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, AccessLevel): other = AccessLevel(other) return _accesslevel_order[self.value] <= _accesslevel_order[other.value] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, AccessLevel): other = AccessLevel(other) return _accesslevel_order[self.value] == _accesslevel_order[other.value] def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.value.__hash__() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] class SCPICommandLike(ABC): """Abstract class for an object that can be converted from/to an SCPICommand."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_scpicommand(self, **kwargs: Any) -> SCPICommand: # pragma: no cover """Convert the object to an :any:`SCPICommand`""" ...
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_scpicommand(cls: Type[T], com: SCPICommand) -> T: # pragma: no cover """Try to create the object from an :any:`SCPICommand`.""" ...
[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class SCPICommand(SCPICommandLike): """ A representation of an SCPI Command. """ command: str args: Sequence[ str | int | float | np.number[Any] | Sequence[str | int | float | np.number[Any]] | Sequence["SCPICommand"] ] opts: dict[ str, str | int | float | np.number[Any] | Sequence[str | int | float | np.number[Any]], ] comment: str | None def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, SCPICommand): return False return ( (self.command == other.command) and (self.args == other.args) and (self.opts == other.opts) ) def __init__( self, command: str, *args: str | int | float | np.number[Any] | Sequence[str | int | float | np.number[Any]] | Sequence["SCPICommand"], comment: str | None = None, **kwargs: str | int | float | np.number[Any] | Sequence[str | int | float | np.number[Any]], ) -> None: if " " in command: if args or comment or kwargs: raise ValueError n = SCPICommand.from_string(command) self.command = n.command self.args = n.args self.opts = n.opts self.comment = n.comment return self.command = command.upper() self.args = args self.opts = {k.lower(): v for k, v in kwargs.items()} self.comment = comment def _optformat( self, opt_val: str | int | float | np.number[Any] | Sequence[str | int | float | np.number[Any]] | Sequence[SCPICommand] | SCPICommand, ) -> str: if isinstance(opt_val, SCPICommand): opt_val = [opt_val] if isinstance(opt_val, str): if "\n" in opt_val: return f"<quote>{opt_val}</quote>" return shlex.quote(opt_val) if isinstance(opt_val, (int, float, np.number)): return str(opt_val) if isinstance(opt_val, (Sequence, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(opt_val[0], SCPICommand): q = "multiline." + self.command.lower() return ( f"<{q}>\n" + textwrap.indent("".join(str(x) for x in opt_val), "\t") + f"</{q}>" ) return ",".join(self._optformat(x) for x in opt_val) raise TypeError(f"{opt_val}, of type {type(opt_val)}, not understood.")
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """Create a usable command string, including terminal newline.""" if self.comment: comment = f" # {self.comment}" else: comment = "" return ( " ".join( [self.command] + [f"-{k}={self._optformat(v)}" for k, v in self.opts.items()] + [self._optformat(v) for v in self.args] ) + comment + "\n" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, command_string: str) -> SCPICommand: """Parse (as SCPICommands) an SCPI command string.""" return cast(SCPICommand, _command.parseString(command_string)[0])
[docs] def specialize(self) -> SCPICommandLike: """If possible, convert SCPICommand to QSLib classes for the command.""" if self.command.upper() in _scpi_command_classes: return _scpi_command_classes[self.command.upper()].from_scpicommand(self) return self
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_scpicommand(self, **kwargs: Any) -> SCPICommand: return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_scpicommand(cls, com: SCPICommand) -> SCPICommand: return com
_scpi_command_classes: dict[str, SCPICommandLike] = {}